Dirty Sexy Words


Dirty Sexy Words is all about the good naughty books. You can usually find the mobile bookshop at The BBB, LAM, or SWAMP – and a few other places too from time to time. And if you like chatter and occasional ranting about erotica, writing, sexuality, politics, bookselling and even Morris dancing, check out the blog. There is also a small online bookshop, which is being expanded slowly… and a few other exciting things are in the pipeline.

www.dirtysexywords.comSsos, sex-positive, erotica, adult industrydicewriting, new book, author advice#RTD

40 years

Dirty Sexy Words started out as a series of erotica reading slams hosted by Zak Jane Keir, who was trading at events as well as writing and editing erotica. Now the focus is more on the bookselling, the editing, and bouts of online ranting at the state of the world along with news of new books, writing tips and intermittent adventures. There’s a Youtube channel as well.