Remember (come on, it wasn’t even that long ago) we were told that the Tories – or at least Fucko the Clown’s own staff – had given the code name Save Big Dog to attempts to rehabilitate the bastard with the public? I’m not even quite sure which of his many cock-ups we were supposed to be moving on from that time: it’s not like there’s EVER been a shortage.
But Big Dog cocked up once too often. And, if you think about it, it’s mildly interesting what finally brought him down: homophobia. The same sort of homophobia that finished off Milo Yiannopolous, who got away with misogyny, racism and all kinds of bullying – but got ‘cancelled’ by his own side when he cracked a joke about his own experiences of being abused by an older man.
It’s a very specific type of homophobia, though. It’s effectively the idea that there is no more terrible, horrible, unacceptable crime than for a straight man to be sexually assaulted by another man, and that this crime is the one thing you must never, ever be flippant about. So Fucko the Clown got let off for what could be called treason (lying to the queen in order to shut down parliament), utter indifference to public health, lining his pockets and showering his dodgy mates with money, giving himself almost unlimited powers (to keep on lining his pockets and consolidating his position as RULER because waa, virus, waa) attempting to break international law, imposing a whole lot of silly, moralistic, arbitrary rules that had far more to do with controlling the public than protecting them (mass caging rather than ventilation, curfews rather than sick pay) and then completely ignoring them himself… the thing that causes enough of his own side to turn on him is refusing to sack a man with allegation after allegation of molesting other men made against him… and being flippant about it.
No one policies gender, sexuality and discussions of any such thing like the Right, for all their whining about cancel culture.