Premium Hardbacks

premium erotic hardbacks

This is where you will find the high-end stock: picture books and illustrated classics. All the books on this page contain a small extra charge towards p&p as they will be sent out as tracked – so if you prefer a bit more of a bargain, come and pick up your copies at one of the fetish markets or other kink events.

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Circa Press

Lovely collection of subtly erotic footwear photography to stir the heart and other parts of all you shoe and foot lovers.



includes P&P



sardax venus in fursVENUS IN FURS

Sardax/independently published

A classic in itself: this version of Sacher-Masoch’s legendary femdom masterpiece is fully illustrated by Sardax, and the text is his own translation.





steve diet goeddeEXTEMPORE

Circa Press

A collection of informal and behind-the-scenes images from various latex fashion and art photoshoots from fetish photographer Steve Diet Goedde.



Includes P&P