Some have been saying that yet another way in which Brexit has taken us back to the Good Old Days is the fairly dismal weather we’ve had so much of over the past few weeks. Europe might be going up in flames but Blighty stays traditionally damp and chilly: that will show Johnny Foreigner. There has, in fact, been some mention of the possibility that climate change will indeed mean our future summers will be cold
er and rainier than the ones we’ve had over the past few years, in another manifestation of English exceptionalism (or at least the difference between a continental and an island climate).
It’s kind of beyond me, to be honest, but I am relieved that the weather looks set to turn to hot sunshine over the next few days, because we’re nearly ready for one of the best kinky markets of the year – LAM at O&I this Sunday.
I’ve posted before about my love of trading outdoors, which I rediscovered during the Plague Times, but the O&I event is that bit more special. There are woods to wander in, a clothing-entirely-optional environment (the venue doubles as a naturist club) and, best of all, a pool. As the LAM crew and customers are sharing the space with the club’s regular attendees, I will probably opt for a few slightly less ultra-kinky titles and a few pre-loved curiosities as well as the usual selection of fiction, non-fiction and picture books.
So if you’ve nothing much planned for the weekend and you want some sunshine-laced shopping, why not trot along and explore all the fun possibilities of running around outdoors with various hot and horny people and interesting toys to play with… and, of course, a plentiful supply of naughty books to read while you’re chilling on the sun terrace or in the pool?