SH! VALENTINE SLAM: extra fizz and signing

Doing a slam at Sh! is always good fun. If you’ve never been to the place it’s well worth a visit when you get an opportunity to make one – whether that’s for one of our slams, one of the other events or classes they run, or just for a wander round and a spot of shopping.

The Valentine Erotic Reading night was always going to be a good one: we had a cracking lineup including Elizabeth Coldwell, KD Grace and Kristina Lloyd, along with me and a couple of newer writers, Elena Hexthorn and Cherry Redd.


As ever, there were cakes and there was fizz (along with tea, coffee, squash and water for those who preferred). And there was also a lovely chap who had come along with his partner in order to interpret for her as she has a hearing impairment. So all our readings were live-interpreted as we performed them.

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(Cherry Redd, Elizabeth Coldwell, Zak Jane Keir with interpreter Darren .)

It added a whole new dimension to what we were doing, and getting a BSL interpreter (who is up for signing some really rather filthy things) along to future slams – at least the bigger events –  is definitely something to consider.

We didn’t go too heavy on the romance, despite the theme: we had a mixture of femdom, caning, femsub, tenderness, teasing… and were-lions. As it was Sh!, the line up of authors was all-female, but we’ll be bringing the boys back for the next Croydon slam, hopefully on March 20th. As always, any writers reading this who want to come along and share their work with us at some point are more than welcome to get in touch. And anyone who wants to to join us and would benefit from having the readings signed – definitely get in touch  so we can arrange to cater for your needs.


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