(Fuck Around & Find Out) This week’s top What Were You Thinking story also falls into a category called Things That I Thought Never Happened… Back in the 90s, in the days of the Guild of Erotic Writers and a … Continued
In the course of a complicated Twitter discussion which I missed most of, this video popped up (by Daniel Jose Older who doesn’t write erotica but nonetheless appears to be an interesting chap). It got me thinking, firstly about one … Continued
Redemption arcs are one of those classic fictional tropes that everyone’s heard of, even though they may not know the term. Think Darth Vader saving Luke Skywalker or Severus Snape’s dying words and there you go. Giving your nasty characters … Continued
Fanfic is in the news again, as an offshoot of the curious court battle between fantasy authors Cassandra Clare and Sherrilyn Kenyon over who has the right to a certain set of tropes. Clare, it is said, is getting an … Continued