2018: What’s Happening This Year

LAM books, bookselling, event, happening

Hangover cleared? Roughly. Tree put away? Do that tomorrow. Bloody January again…goals, happening, new year

So it’s time to make a few plans for the coming year. It’s not so much a matter of resolutions (never could be arsed with those. I like myself the way I am, thanks.) more about stuff that’s going to be happening over the next few months.

First event is the LAM this Sunday. If you’ve never been, this is probably a good time to check it out: loads of stalls selling clothes, toys, accessories and, of course, the Dirty Sexy Words bookstall. At the end of the month I should be at Brighton Twisted Market, and there will be other books, selling books, happeningfetish fairs and markets all through the year. I’m always on the lookout for interesting titles to stock, so if you have written, or published, or contributed to any book with a BDSM/fetish theme, it’s worth getting in touch. Fiction or non fiction: both are welcome when it’s a matter of books for sale.

I particularly want to hear about new erotica anthologies, so anyone with a hand in any of those should definitely shout out. New releases get featured on the blog, whether or not they are going to come out in print form. Any erotica anthologies with a print run might be considered for the other New Shiny Thing that’s going to be a feature on the site very soon: the Dirty Sexy Words Anthology Club. OK, this is still being fine-tuned, but the concept is kind of what it says on the label – a subscription club for fans of short erotic fiction. Each author event, signing, bookselling, Manchestermonth, members will be offered a choice of three different multi-author anthologies and, while some of the options will be previously-released titles that didn’t always get the attention they deserved, new releases will also be included, so the more new releases I get to hear about, the better.

As to my own writing, I’m going to be doing a few more author events this year. With any luck, there will be at least one new novella out by the summer (a little teaser scene here) and that’s without even getting into the Dicewriting book. Dicewriting? You’ll have to wait for more info on that. Oh, and the podcasts. And the other stuff.

I think that’s probably enough to be going on with, for the moment. Happy New Year and let’s get stuck in, shall we?

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