In the quest for accuracy and the proper use of words, what an author did ought to be good at and all that, I acknowledge the chant is ‘road trip’ but… I don’t do roads much. I am car free … Continued
It’s always a bit worse when it happens to kids, so hearing about teen author Lindsay Whiteway getting scammed by one of those vampiric fake publishers is extra distasteful. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought the arrival … Continued
Fewer people than you might think, these days, will just accept “it’s for charity” as a reason to put their hands in their pockets, and this is not entirely due to the fact that fewer people have any spare change … Continued
Another day, another load of whining about ‘being cancelled… If you think this modern scourge is happening to you, here’s a handy checklist… Have you been given multiple interview slots on television, radio, podcasts with more than five listeners and … Continued
The whole not-being-remotely-subby-or-masochistic thing has one small flaw – those who enjoy pain can, or so I have heard, cope better with unexpected non-kinky pain should some happen. I have known at least one person who reckoned that having a … Continued
Some have been saying that yet another way in which Brexit has taken us back to the Good Old Days is the fairly dismal weather we’ve had so much of over the past few weeks. Europe might be going up … Continued
Another bout of irritation is erupting about the amount of celebrities ‘writing’ books and picking up fat cheques for doing so. People are not, on the whole, overly annoyed about those who employ a lot of help when producing their … Continued
Outdoor trading is something I have always loved, but some outdoor gigs are definitely more hassle than others. The worst thing to contend with is definitely wind. Last weekend’s potentially wonderful day at Croydon Pridefest took place in something that … Continued
The latest BBC ‘scandal’ has got the lot, hasn’t it? You’ve got the starting point of a celebrity being accused of inappropriate behaviour towards a minor: well, there’s a lot of it about, isn’t there? Then you’ve got the fact … Continued
The first time I danced in the Pride parade was six years ago. There have certainly been some changes in that time and, yes, for many people, things have got a lot worse in a lot of ways. For LGBTQ … Continued