Kinky Kindness and Naked Generosity

kinky kindness

kinky kindness You might have heard about the Naked Philanthropist, Kaylen Ward. She’s the one sending nudes to anyone who requests one and can prove they have donated at least $10 towards helping the victims of the Australian bushfires. Of course, no good deed goes unpunished – Instagram promptly killed her account for – eek – sexually explicit content (even though she was running her campaign via Twitter.) and reports suggest that her family have not been supportive and that she has also been targeted by trolls and misogynists online.

There is something profoundly depressing about people who would attack a young woman for trying to do something helpful just because erotic enjoyment was involved. I’ve noted before that pleasure phobia is a big problem and this seems to be another manifestation of it. Being aware of pleasure phobia goes hand in hand, for me, with being aware that a lot of sex-positive people and kinky people are very good indeed at being supportive, generous and kind. There have been some comments to the effect that Ward (and, don’t forget, the people who responded to her offer) brought in more money than many wealthy donors have offered, and another Australian Instagrammer, Celeste Barber, has suggested that the global super-wealthy could cough up a bit more.

It’s perhaps worth remembering that ‘billionaires’ were apparently very keen to fund the restoration of Notre Dame after fire damaged it last spring, with huge kinky kindnesssums being promised… yet it seems that a lot of that money never actually materialised once the well-heeled had got favourable press coverage for making the offer. If you’ve noticed the apparent difference in generosity between the average person and the ‘elite’ you might find it interesting to read more on elite panic.

But if you want to bolster your faith in the idea of kinky kindness, you could check out Sharyn Ferns’ fabulous book collection, as she is donating the profits on any of her femdom books sold this week to relief for the bushfire victims.


Or if you want to donate directly, here’s a list of how to do so.

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