LAM Late Summer Fete

late summer fete In a week’s time, I’ll be hauling myself and a slightly alarming amount of luggage to the semi-wilds of Bedfordshire for the second live open air event of this strange plague summer: LAM’s Late Summer Fete. While I have managed to keep myself from getting to the almost-nauseous pitch of excitement I hit before the last one, I am thoroughly looking forward to another opportunity to see some of your much-missed faces again – along with, hopefully, some new people as the word is that new traders are planning to come along and join us.

I’ve been having a rummage through a few catalogues to see what’s new in the world of naughty books, so expect a couple of things you haven’t seen before, at the very least.

There’s also been a few memories creeping back, as some sort of Late Summer Fete has taken place quite frequently in the kink world over the years. One I remember in some detail was held somewhere in Middlesex in the mid-90s and I have a feeling it was the first of its kind in the UK. The venue had a little open-air pool and, fortunately, it was a glorious sunny day, so attendees were treated to the site of a chap in full latex monk’s habit slowly descending the steps into the water. I also got stung by a wasp, nearly overturned a pony cart and had a bunk-up in the long grass shortly before midnight.

LI can’t promise anything quite like that next Sunday, but there will be tons of space for a socially-distanced catch-up, books to buy, an onsite barbecue and licensed bar, some performances and possibly a surprise or two.

If you want to come along, though, you had better bag yourself a ticket now, as there are rumours of an imminent sellout and, obviously, numbers have to be a little restricted because of current conditions.


Can’t make it? Didn’t get a ticket? You can get your naughty books online – and check out other LAM traders’ stuff here.

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