New Release: Candy Lovers

candy, erotica

If you want something sweet and sticky to enjoy over the summer, check out Candy Lovers, the latest collection from Rachel Kramer Bussel…

If you love the sweet taste of sugar melting on your tongue, the allure of chocolate and the exciting feeling of licking a creamy ice cream cone, you’ll adore Candy Lovers: Sugar Erotica. These 35 enticing stories of food play delve into the fun of popular desserts used in the most tactile, sensual ways. These men and women pursue their sexual fantasies, opening wide to indulge an offered treat or presenting their bodies to be used for sticky, arousing, totally hot carnal celebrations.

Whether whipping up the perfect confection in the kitchen, feeding a partner a sweet treat direct from your fingertips (or other body parts) or indulging all their senses in a sugar orgy, the characters in these sexy stories are sure to whet your appetite and turn you on. From couples using dessert to add even more intimacy to their relationships to new passions fueled by a shared love of the pleasures of the tongue, Candy Lovers is sure to arouse you. Edited by the award-winning Rachel Kramer Bussel, these are the perfect erotic tales to read whenever you’re in the mood…with your favorite candy nearby.

“Like a delicious box of gourmet chocolates, Rachel Kramer Bussel’s Candy Lovers: Sugar Erotica serves up a broad variety of sticky sweet and sexy goodness! This collection of treat-themed erotica includes refined classics from the likes of Shanna Germain, R. Gay, Salome Wilde, Tenille Brown, and Sacchi Green alongside new goodies from Jules Thorne, Kristina Wright, and more. ‘Playfulness is one of the keys to youthfulness,’ we read in Tsaurah Litzky’s ‘Old Fashioned Fudge,’ and this anthology contains plenty of it with its sugary theme, plus a few heavier, seductive literary treats–resulting in the perfect sampler of desserts for any candy or erotica connoisseur. The trick will be choosing which sweet bite to take first!”
Jade A. Waters, author of A Love Affair, From A to Z

Here’s a hot extract

From “Frosted” by Kristina Wright

Will looked at me, eyes narrowed. “I think you’re up to something.”candy, erotica

“Who, me?” I asked, all wide-eyed innocence. “I was just trying to get my boyfriend’s attention.”

“Yeah, right. What do you have under there, Alice?”

“Nothing,” I said, ducking farther down under the covers and knowing he’d come after me.

I was right, he did. I shrieked with laughter as he tickled me, but I hung on to my prize.

“Give it up,” he growled, nibbling my neck in a way that would make me utterly helpless to resist him. “I’m going to win.”

He smelled like cinnamon and cream cheese frosting. I gasped for breath, pushing at him with my shoulder until he backed off. “Okay, okay. I give up.”

“So what is it?”

I pulled my hand from under the covers and showed him the plastic container.

“Extra frosting!” He tickled me anew. “You’ve been holding out on me.”

“Stop! Stop!” I tucked my head down and curled up into a ball until he quit. “This isn’t for your cinnamon rolls,” I said.

“What’s it for then?”

I reached under the covers with my free hand and gave his erection a squeeze. All our wrestling around had gotten him turned on. He wasn’t the only one. “I was thinking that maybe cinnamon rolls aren’t the only thing that taste good covered in cream cheese frosting.”

He grinned. “You’re bad.”

“No, I’m good. Very, very good.” I pushed the sheet and quilt down, exposing his thick, beautiful cock in all its rigid glory.

“I know,” he murmured, not even acknowledging the fact that his precious box of cinnamon rolls had landed on the carpet with a thud. “I remember.”

I stroked his cock ever so lightly, feeling it jump against my hand. It had been two long, lonely weeks, and I was going to enjoy Will’s recovery very, very much. I popped the lid off the container and licked the frosting with the tip of my tongue.

Will groaned. “Do that to me.”

“In a minute.” The frosting was thick, sweet and creamy, almost cloying. I turned the little container upside down and rubbed it over the head of Will’s cock. He jumped.

“That’s cold,” he complained, but he didn’t push me away.

I pushed the container of frosting down farther, until it looked as if his cock was wearing a funny-looking hat. Neither of us was laughing, though. Slowly, I pulled the container away, leaving a cap of cream cheese frosting on the head of his cock.

“Oh my, that looks good,” I whispered. My mouth was watering, and it wasn’t for the frosting.

“Please, babe,” Will pleaded softly. His cock quivered, waiting for me, for my mouth.

I lowered my head over him, my hair brushing his stomach and thighs. I took him between my lips without touching him with my hands. We both groaned, though mine was muffled. I lapped at his cock, tasting the sweetness of his precome even through the creamy frosting.

Will tangled his hands in my hair, guiding me slowly on his cock. I was happy he wasn’t in a hurry because I intended to take my time going down on him. A very long time.

I popped the head of his cock out of my mouth and stroked the length of his shaft. “Yummy.”

“Oh yeah,” he breathed.

Dipping two fingers into the frosting, I covered his shaft with the sticky sweetness. Then I fisted his cock, jerking him off as I licked the frosting that accumulated on the swollen tip as I stroked him.

The more aroused Will gets, the quieter he gets. The only sounds in the room were me sucking, slurping and stroking his cock, so I knew I had his full, undivided, very aroused attention. Over and over, I licked him, pausing only to apply more frosting. It wasn’t the best lubricant, but Will was leaking precome like crazy and I was getting him pretty juicy with my saliva, so his cock was a sticky, wet, delicious mess.

“You’re driving me crazy,” he gasped, as I took him as far into my mouth as I could.

I pulled back, murmuring around the head of his cock, “Good.”

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