The fetish fair bonanza

fetish fair

The last time there was this much of a range of kinky shopping activities was over 20 years ago. When this century began, you could choose from the London Fetish Fair, the Whiplash Market (also in London), the BBB (still going strong) in Birmingham, Swamp in Bristol (about to make a comeback) and, as I dimly recall, something intermittent in Manchester and something or other in Leeds.fetish fair

I went to most of them, some more frequently than others, selling various things though books were almost always involved. Some were more fun than others, as is to be expected, and some considerably more lucrative than others. Over the years, some disappeared and one or two more came along – and I got less into travelling all over the place with a heavy suitcase due to personal circumstances.

At the start of the Plague Times, there were understandable concerns that this might be the end of the line for a whole lot of independent traders and small businesses and, yes, some people did go under. But as the world opens up again, opportunities for buying – and selling – interesting erotic accessories, hitty things, fetishwear and all the rest are noticeably increasing. It may be that some people have just decided to live the dream – turning a kinky hobby into a source of income – and some more venues have come on board with the idea that a weekend afternoon full of happy shoppers is a Good Thing.fetish fair

There is, effectively, likely to be something happening somewhere near you at least once a month, nowadays.

If you can get to London, you can come to LAM.

If you are in the Midlands there is either the BBB or the Midlands Fetish Fair (on consecutive weekends so of course you can go to both.)

fetish fairLAMchester is usually in Manchester, with the occasional road trip further north.

SWAMP is in Bristol, and there is also the Swindon Fetish Market for people over in the west.

I hear the odd rumour about one or two other potential events, but don’t have enough information to share just now.

Dirty Sexy Words is often to be found at most of these though I can’t always manage to be everywhere, every month. But if you are inclined towards buying gifts from small traders rather than the Zon or the High Street, or you fancy looking for things you won’t know you want until you see them, grab your pocket money and come along some time.

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