It was only a couple of years ago that the idea of workplace wankbreaks was being touted in some fairly mainstream places. Not just for erotica writers, either: OK, for some of is it’s not so much about taking a … Continued
Another week, another silly article about sex work not being proper work… As usual, the author suggests that, if sex work was real work, kids would be taught the relevant skills in schools. Thing is, there are tons and tons … Continued
Yes, OK, fair enough, I’ve got a lot of my former kinky times on my mind at the moment. But I’m also revising, though only lightly, a fetish-themed novel I wrote about 10 years ago, and keep tripping over how … Continued
***POST UPDATED 04-01-2020*** I wrote this story for a laugh – of sorts – back in the summer. As the weeks went by, the whole political mess began to prey on my mind more and more, so I wrote some … Continued
Off you fuck then, Jeremy Kyle, and kindly take the whole brood of vile, exploitative, prole-bashing ‘talk’ shows with you… There was a stage, in the mid-to-late 90s, where I was doing a fair bit of Being On Telly. Don’t … Continued
It seems to have been a little while since there was a really hot new release to share with you – at least, one I wasn’t directly involved in. But you’ll probably all agree that the second volume of Chemical … Continued
Pretty much anyone who works in any kind of creative industry is aware that a lot of juggling and fretting goes on over what is payable and what should be done or given, if not for free, for something other … Continued
Unsurprisingly, there’s been a lot of noise about Notre Dame: not just the fire, but the amount of money already donated towards the building’s reconstruction. OK, it’s a startling amount (apparently upwards of £750 million) and there is at least … Continued
Getting myself sorted out for another bout of Shenanigans in Wellington this weekend, I’ve been sorting out the current accumulation of loot that I have to share rather than to sell. The ETO Show provided a magnificent goody bag, and … Continued
There seems to have been another issue recently with some fetish teacher/educator being outed as a creepy fuck. Colour me unsurprised. If ever there was a soft target for manipulative egotrippers it’s ‘educating’ people about how to do BDSM. I … Continued