So, are you? Or are you one of those who could never be arsed with it in the first place? If you are a regular or semi-regular user of the blue birdie hangout you’ve probably noticed a huge increase in … Continued
It looks as though OnlyFans is going to go down the same plughole as Tumblr… and various other corners of the Interweb that previously gave sex workers and porn creators a chance to earn a living and express themselves on … Continued
Or, to revive a phrase some of us hoped to popularize at the end of last year, that state of being effectively caught between a crematorium and a dildo emporium. Basically, I got thrown off TikTok, rather to my annoyance. … Continued
Yes, OK, fair enough, I’ve got a lot of my former kinky times on my mind at the moment. But I’m also revising, though only lightly, a fetish-themed novel I wrote about 10 years ago, and keep tripping over how … Continued
Off you fuck then, Jeremy Kyle, and kindly take the whole brood of vile, exploitative, prole-bashing ‘talk’ shows with you… There was a stage, in the mid-to-late 90s, where I was doing a fair bit of Being On Telly. Don’t … Continued
You’d think the festive season is prime time for traders everywhere, but one thing I have noted throughout my years of selling kinky books and bits and bobs is that December is often one of the less good months at … Continued
It seems to have been a comic called Marc Maron who came up with the term ‘unfuckable hate nerds’ to describe a particular sort of vile misogynist, and it’s a pretty good term. It’s entirely reasonable to be horrified by … Continued
Twelve months ago, we were mostly floundering: angry, scared, searching for optimism, hoping for change. Another year end approaches, and it’s safe to say that most people are in a similar frame of mind. The darkness encroaches, but there are … Continued
You’ve probably heard, more than once, the idea that the Chinese ideogram for ‘crisis’ is a mix of the symbols meaning ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity.’ Perhaps unsurprisingly, this isn’t quite true. It’ll still probably pop up fairly frequently on your social … Continued
The mere existence of last week’s London Porn Film Festival would be delightful enough in its own right. An entire weekend of transgressive, indie, ethical, queer, absurdist, startling and utterly filthy porn: what’s not to like? Notably, few, if any, of … Continued