Too Explicit Or Not Too Explicit


Or, to revive a phrase some of us hoped to popularize at the end of last year, that state of being effectively caught between a crematorium and a dildo emporium. Basically, I got thrown off TikTok, rather to my annoyance. I was just starting to get comfortable with its formats, having hit on the idea of doing 50-60 second Book Blurbs on this very popular new modern communication thingy.explicit

I wasn’t showing off my naked self in any of my clips; not even a flash of cleavage. (Those of you who want to see me at least partially naked and doing explicit naughty things are welcome to go and do so.) But, according to those I’ve asked, even talking about sex is enough to get you shown the door. This is, to be honest, fucking tiresome because they could surely follow YouTube’s example and simply allow users to label their content as ‘Over 18 Only’.

It’s been mentioned, occasionally, that OnlyFans is at least open to those who are not porn performers or sex workers, but I’m not convinced it’s the place for me. While I thoroughly enjoyed making the porn film referenced above and have every respect and much admiration for those who work (ethically and inclusively) in the industry I don’t have the time, the space, the right gear or the real inclination to take up camming. Also,explicit knowing the difficulties faced by a lot of OnlyFans users in the current climate, I’m not sure I wouldn’t be blundering in and getting in other people’s way if I set up an account just to read books at an audience.

This isn’t a bleat about me being ‘silenced’; lots of people have it worse, and you can find me doing more in-depth book stuff on YouTube either via my own little corner or the LAM Live weekly broadcasts. And, after all, live events are coming back, from next weekend onwards. For information about upcoming events, dates and locations follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Insta or Fetlife (but not Tiktok.)

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