Jewellery is something I have always had a small obsession with: something I probably got from my mother. But I – and she – could be just as charmed by some £5 curiosity found on a market stall as by … Continued
Remember (come on, it wasn’t even that long ago) we were told that the Tories – or at least Fucko the Clown’s own staff – had given the code name Save Big Dog to attempts to rehabilitate the bastard with … Continued
The BBB is pretty much a guaranteed good time, whether you’re a veteran pervert or a slightly hesitant newbie. Last Sunday’s Pride celebration was particularly fabulous, not least because of the amazing outfits so many attendees were wearing. Pretty much … Continued
Like more people than you think, I have avoided, as far as possible, paying much attention to the misogyny shitshow that was the broadcasting of the Heard/Depp trial. (And, whatever you think about who was right and who was wrong, … Continued
Definitions are going to be enormously subjective here: participation or non-participation in this weekend’s four-day Jubiwank being nicer or naughtier depending on what you did and why. Though the number of people who would actually be pooing with rage at … Continued
I’m not too surprised that @girlonthenet had some Crossrail-themed smut. Though I am probably not going to alert my teenager, who was one of those out-of-bed-at-4am-to-ride-first-train types, to the existence of this, I don’t really get the idea that an … Continued
I suppose it was about time we had another author self-own. It has, after all, been six years since one last annoyed me to the extent of blogging about it. She, however, was more tiresome silly bitch than grifter, unlike … Continued
There’s this excellent Twitter thread offering a new take on reducing abortions, first of all. Does anyone actually need to have it explained to them that the most pro-choice of pro-choicers, including those like me who believe in the right … Continued
Jack’s back! I do post intermittently about my love of Morris dancing and the folk scene, as regular readers might have noticed. Those who follow me in those bits of social media where my personal life intermingles with shoutouts to … Continued
The whole concept of bonfires is a bit culturally loaded, I suppose. The word derives from ‘fire of bones’ ie the burning of bones (as opposed to a convenient way to get rid of fallen leaves or other garden waste) … Continued