Call for Submissions: Scandalous


scandalousWas last week’s post about villainy a handy hint to lead you in the direction of my new call for submissions? Well, what do you think? Perhaps I just am the sort of person who always has some kind of a cunning plan to inflict on you.

The idea for this anthology came out of a Twitter conversation after a photo of a ghastly politician did the rounds – he was sitting at a desk, upon which was a whip. No official explanation for the presence of this whip has been given, as far as I know, but there are a few of us with a fondness for politicized erotica, and it seemed likely there was some potential for a collection of scandalous or scandal-related stories.

Your submissions don’t have to feature politicians, or the current political climate, of course: scandals can occur in all sorts of circumstances.

Here’s the brief: Stories on the theme of scandals/scandalous behaviour, between 2500 and 4000 words please. Any and all pairings (cishet or scandalousLGBTQ) welcome but no underage participants, bestiality, or incest please. In all sex or kink scenes, clear consent should be indicated. If you have a revenge/punishment scenario going on, please show that participants have a get-out option eg they are given a choice between taking their spanking or making amends another way, and that they choose the spanking. Your story should be sex-positive and free from bigotry. Contemporary realistic settings preferred, but historical/fantasy/sci-fi stories will be considered.

For more details and info, go to Sincyr Publishing, who will be putting out the book next year. They have a terrific range of anthologies, including some which I have edited and contributed to – you can find most of them in the Dirty Sexy Words bookshop. I’m looking forward to seeing what you can all do for me this time round…

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