We have no option but to keep moving forward, that much is true. As to looking back on what must be the strangest year of most of our lives, it’s probably worth doing that so we don’t forget the stuff … Continued
There was a rumour about someone I knew of, a few years ago. It was a rumour that made her look very cool, so when I actually met her, I asked her about it and she told me it wasn’t … Continued
Whatever you might like to get up to in your own personal sex life, you know (or at least you should) that one of the most important aspects is being sure that everyone involved gives informed consent to everything that … Continued
If you want to make a living from any kind of creative work – art, writing, photography, performance – then you’re almost certain to end up doing at least some work for free. This isn’t invariably a bad thing, but … Continued
A piece of writing advice that has always stuck with me is: ‘Fiction needs a bad guy.’ OK, sometimes the bad ‘guy’ isn’t a person acting with volition but fire, a flood, or maybe a virus, but even the soppiest, … Continued
So how was it for you? I doubt any of us knew quite what this plague summer would be like – would we still be caged and cut off from the ones we loved? Would the creeping advance of fascism … Continued
In the course of a complicated Twitter discussion which I missed most of, this video popped up (by Daniel Jose Older who doesn’t write erotica but nonetheless appears to be an interesting chap). It got me thinking, firstly about one … Continued
Most of us have something of a love-hate relationship with Amazon. Yes, all that convenience and so on, but much of it at the expense of hugely underpaid warehouse workers and delivery drivers. If you are an author, particularly a … Continued
Now that I can, I’m hitting the road more. Yup, mask on, of course. And hand gel in every pocket. And my normally odd posture is getting odder as I hold conversations while leaning backwards. But I am Out There. … Continued
Authors writing under pseudonyms is fine and always has been. Same as musicians, actors, comedians and performers of any kind. It isn’t even a terrible crime, for an author or anyone else whose work doesn’t involve physical contact or presence, … Continued