It looks as though they are going to allow tattooists to open up again pretty soon. I doubt I’m the only one waiting for the chance to get some new ink – OK, it has been the best part of … Continued
There seems to be a steadily-increasing amount of evidence to the effect that face-coverings reduce the spread of the plague. A combination of mask-wearing, hand-washing and staying outdoors – or at least in very well-ventilated spaces – looks likely to … Continued
(I just can’t face any more of my own political ranting, so if you’re looking for something else to think about or write about…) There are several terms of address within BDSM circles which have tremendous resonance, both for the … Continued
(I’m a writer, I’m allowed to use Big Words). Pubs will be one of the last things we get back, perhaps unsurprisingly – they are, after all, enclosed spaces where people mingle, and you can’t really sink a pint with … Continued
St George’s Day is a day I like to celebrate. To me, enjoying it, making it a party at which everyone is welcome, takes it away from deluded flag-shagging wingnuts (not least because the historical figure most likely to have … Continued
The idea that names have power is one of those cross-cultural concepts that we are all aware of, on some level. It’s still the case that many celebrities – and aspiring celebrities – rename themselves at some point, though it’s … Continued
Back in the 90s it tended to be the porn producers* who were quickest off the mark when it came to topical themes for new product, probably for the same reason that now it’s indie authors: low production costs and … Continued
Not that much of a meme participant, but I’m enjoying May More’s current series as it involves talking about books. I shared one of my favourite fiction recommendations last week, and now we’re moving on to non-fiction. I’ve picked three … Continued
OK, it’s a phrase I’ve been trying to get into circulation for years without success, but it seems even more appropriate now. To be joplinned is to have had plans for some sort of publicity or promotion, especially something you … Continued
Can we all calm the fuck down a bit? For all the yowling and yammering, this new flu doesn’t seem to be any more alarming than any other year’s flu – remember the bird flu and swine flu flaps of … Continued