The trouble with Kink, a new anthology edited by R O Kwon and Glenn Greenell, is not the trouble with kink, if you get what I mean. When a pal pointed me in the direction of this, um, announcement from … Continued
Dear Father Christmas. I would like a revolution, please. Can I have the non-violent model that comes with extra social justice and economic fairness rather than the one that features tanks on the streets and ends with heads on spikes? … Continued
There’s a possibility that, here and there, throughout the UK, there are various mid-level council workers frantically Googling for something other than porn and how to cheat at Minecraft. They are the ones who’ve been assigned a Statue Hunt. … Continued
There are five or six unfinished rage-drenched blog posts sitting on the laptop right now. Some are just too incoherently furious to publish, others are about what was awful last week but has been diminished by the horrors of this … Continued
Don’t know about you, but what struck me as the single most chilling moment of this morning’s TV coverage was Fucko the Clown standing in front of a sign announcing the ‘People’s Government.’ Don’t be silly, they kept saying, over … Continued
Every now and then, there’s a fuss about a piece of writing that… just isn’t all that. Remember Cat Person? Today’s topic of conversation/irritation/overhype is non-fiction, which is perhaps even more annoying. It’s a prolonged whine from some silly bitch … Continued
Off you fuck then, Jeremy Kyle, and kindly take the whole brood of vile, exploitative, prole-bashing ‘talk’ shows with you… There was a stage, in the mid-to-late 90s, where I was doing a fair bit of Being On Telly. Don’t … Continued
In the middle of the absolute fucking mess that is Brexit, you might have missed another big problem the government is lining up for us. Age verification for people who want to look at porn is imminent, and it’s bullshit, … Continued
We know they’re out there, of course. People who want, not to write books, but to have written books. Latest lazy, greedy, dishonest twat to get caught out is one Cristiane Serruya who seems to have fucked up on an … Continued
It seems to have been a comic called Marc Maron who came up with the term ‘unfuckable hate nerds’ to describe a particular sort of vile misogynist, and it’s a pretty good term. It’s entirely reasonable to be horrified by … Continued