Time to motivate with dates


motivateSomeone called it ‘pandemic brain’ when I was whining about memory glitches and just Not Getting On with things. They were probably right (and yes, I did go and google dementia symptoms as I am old enough for it to be at least a consideration, but what I found was, in fact, reassuring. I’m just old, and that can still be my excuse). This hideous winter of fear, deprivation and captivity has taken it out of many people, even with the hope brought by the vaccine rollout.

I meant to but didn’t, do anything much by way of book recommendations or offers for Valentine’s Day, or World Book Day. I meant to write this post a day or two back, but didn’t. I’m not exerting myself all that much regarding special offers for Mothers’ Day because that’s perhaps not the time for promoting erotica or BDSM guidebooks (you may be relatively open with your parents about sex but that doesn’t necessarily mean a book on fisting is what your mum wants from you on Mothers’ Day).

motivateBut spring is coming. The days are getting a little longer and a little warmer and, more importantly, there are some event dates coming up, which means I have brushed the dust off the stockbag and begun to browse for new books I might want to offer you. The London Alternative Market plans to hold its first event of the year on April 17th, and the second a week later, with more to follow. Obviously all events are subject to whatever the rules are at the time, but the likelihood of these two going ahead is high – they will be well-ventilated or outdoors, with plenty of room for social distancing and a numbers limit to avoid overcrowding. Keep an eye on the relevant social media (ie follow ME on stuff) for more information as and when it’s available. I’m looking forward to seeing you all again.


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