It’s getting scarier by the day, no one is going to deny that. Perhaps one advantage of being a bit older is having lived through times that had those around us thinking or indeed screaming and yelling that we had … Continued
Maybe this blog got started at the start of the Difficult Times (do not blame me for any of it, I have no more power than anyone else, OK?) but a common theme in DSW end-of-year posts tends to be, … Continued
The last few days of #coronachaos have involved watching the events go down like dominos. No Eroticon, no ETO Show, no BBB and, at the time of writing, Lamchester and LAM are considering their options. So, thumping great mess. Unprecedented … Continued
#Brexiteve then. My plans for tomorrow night, frankly, involve going to watch a comedy hair metal band with a dear friend: the prospect of being randomly out on the streets is a little too unnerving. And staying home obsessively refreshing … Continued
Don’t know about you, but what struck me as the single most chilling moment of this morning’s TV coverage was Fucko the Clown standing in front of a sign announcing the ‘People’s Government.’ Don’t be silly, they kept saying, over … Continued
Some people think that demos and marches are pointless. They have, of course, every right to their opinions. Only the most naive and optimistic would imagine that the authorities take one look at a banner-waving crowd and go: oops, better … Continued
Around this time every year, just like most of the other bloggers and authors, I find myself musing about the future, and the past. I did it last year and the year before, and looking at those posts… well. (When … Continued
Some years are better than others, some are worse. We know that, of course. Various people at various times will have eyed the clock as midnight approaches on the last day of a particular year with a profound longing for … Continued
Don’t stop writing. Don’t you dare stop. Don’t feel that writing about sex and romance and lust and love is too trivial a pursuit, today. Love and lust and romance and sex are some of the greatest things we have … Continued