(Fuck Around & Find Out) This week’s top What Were You Thinking story also falls into a category called Things That I Thought Never Happened… Back in the 90s, in the days of the Guild of Erotic Writers and a … Continued
It’s always a bit worse when it happens to kids, so hearing about teen author Lindsay Whiteway getting scammed by one of those vampiric fake publishers is extra distasteful. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thought the arrival … Continued
(The first in an occasional series for new or new-ish authors) If you’ve written, or are writing, your first book, you’re probably at least considering whether to self-publish. There are a lot of good reasons to go right ahead and … Continued
During the early, volatile stages of the spring of 2020, some of us were hoping Shenanigans would go ahead even as all the other dominoes were falling: unfortunately it became unfeasible to hold it, and the same was true of … Continued
How do we get people to change their minds? Of course, most will change their behaviour in the face of threats and coercion, bullying and ostracism, but it’s not a good idea to regard that as job done. Whether or … Continued
Submissions as in stories sent to me, not submission as in me getting tied up and spanked or anything (calm down, the lot of you. I remain as much a dominant as ever, and whether that reassures or disappoints you … Continued
Whatever you might like to get up to in your own personal sex life, you know (or at least you should) that one of the most important aspects is being sure that everyone involved gives informed consent to everything that … Continued
A piece of writing advice that has always stuck with me is: ‘Fiction needs a bad guy.’ OK, sometimes the bad ‘guy’ isn’t a person acting with volition but fire, a flood, or maybe a virus, but even the soppiest, … Continued
Those of you who have been watching the LAM livestreams might remember that I set up a story-writing competition a couple of weeks ago. You could win yourself a copy of my Dicewriting book by sending in a short story … Continued
(I just can’t face any more of my own political ranting, so if you’re looking for something else to think about or write about…) There are several terms of address within BDSM circles which have tremendous resonance, both for the … Continued