I’d been hearing quite a few good things about Scarlet Ladies, a group for sex-positive women based in London, so I was thoroughly excited when I got asked to go along and join them for an evening dedicated to erotic … Continued
Just when you thought you’d seen it all, the ability of some people to make absolute cocks of themselves surprises you once again. I spent a nice weekend by the seaside, and it was only when I came back that … Continued
It seems to have been a comic called Marc Maron who came up with the term ‘unfuckable hate nerds’ to describe a particular sort of vile misogynist, and it’s a pretty good term. It’s entirely reasonable to be horrified by … Continued
One of the perennial pieces of advice given to the self-publishing author is: spend some money on your cover. Don’t have a go with some Photoshop knock-off and FFS don’t do a drawing, scan it in and add the title … Continued
Shenanigans, indeed! The first part of this weekend’s fun times was the West Midlands book signing event, held in Wellington. The day didn’t get off to a great start for me, as a battle with a recalcitrant ticket machine at … Continued
Last summer I went to a great fun day for erotica writers organised by Smut UK. They put on lots of events for writers (and readers) of naughty stories – I’ve been to several and usually give a talk or … Continued
So, apparently, ‘everybody’ is deleting their Facebook accounts. Nope. Not jumping on that bandwagon. It’s not even a new one. OK, as an Older Person, I have had a few issues with social media in general (when I first tried Twitter … Continued
Around this time last year, I was invited to be a judge at a Smut Slam in Windsor. I’d heard of the events, but never been before, so hadn’t known what to expect, but I still had a fab time. … Continued
Spankings are very popular, whether you like to give or receive them, so this collection is set to warm your hearts and other places. A brand new set of stories from a mix of UK and US authors, it’s a whole … Continued
There’s a fair bit of noise at the moment about the Guy Who Made His Pug A Nazi. At first glance, this seems like a weird and worrying story, to be sure. The video over which he has now been … Continued