So, are you? Or are you one of those who could never be arsed with it in the first place? If you are a regular or semi-regular user of the blue birdie hangout you’ve probably noticed a huge increase in … Continued
An article came out this week suggesting that men are now scared to approach women in case they come off as creepy. Predictably, a fair bit of stamping and bellowing from unfuckable men has ensued – how will they *ever* … Continued
I’ve written a few times about fetish clubs, particularly the history and reality of distinct from the fetish party tropes you get in some erotica. So naturally I wanted to go and listen to Steve from Der Pustch about … Continued
(The first in an occasional series for new or new-ish authors) If you’ve written, or are writing, your first book, you’re probably at least considering whether to self-publish. There are a lot of good reasons to go right ahead and … Continued
Jewellery is something I have always had a small obsession with: something I probably got from my mother. But I – and she – could be just as charmed by some £5 curiosity found on a market stall as by … Continued
Remember (come on, it wasn’t even that long ago) we were told that the Tories – or at least Fucko the Clown’s own staff – had given the code name Save Big Dog to attempts to rehabilitate the bastard with … Continued
Definitions are going to be enormously subjective here: participation or non-participation in this weekend’s four-day Jubiwank being nicer or naughtier depending on what you did and why. Though the number of people who would actually be pooing with rage at … Continued
I suppose it was about time we had another author self-own. It has, after all, been six years since one last annoyed me to the extent of blogging about it. She, however, was more tiresome silly bitch than grifter, unlike … Continued
The whole concept of bonfires is a bit culturally loaded, I suppose. The word derives from ‘fire of bones’ ie the burning of bones (as opposed to a convenient way to get rid of fallen leaves or other garden waste) … Continued
Ever noticed how people allegedly ‘silenced’ never seem to shut the fuck up? There seem to be few better career moves than saying something horrible in public, getting disagreed with or reprimanded… and then launching yourself on the interview circuit, … Continued